TFA Panda Elysium #2 of 6


This collection was made with love by TFA founder Steve van Zutphen (stevevz) for early TFA community members who are part of this historic journey into a world of giving, sharing, respect, love and peace -- oh, and of course: football!

  • Details
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Jimmy Wright at 6/14/2021, 6:40 AM
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM
Not For Sale