DM stevevz #15 of 100


🔐 Steve Musk - In this story, Steve Van Zutphen as Steve Musk lost the only woman he ever loved because of his obsessed desire to make TFC a magical coin, hoping it could become one with the entire Multiverse. Always drinking himself to stupor so he could forget his losses. One faithful night, while heading home all drunk and tipsy met a strange man in the shadows, exchanged pleasantries then made an offer to Steve Musk, " That he could own 20% of the Multiverse if only he could lose his TFC dreams. After several thoughts, Steve Musk denies his offer and walks home. Next morning, Steve Musk wakes up to realise TFC is finally the Multiverse Legal tender approved by The Galactic space Bank and authorities including the Darbles Multiverse and the Pandaverse Till this year 2065, TheFutbolCoin have taken over the whole Multiverse and created unlimited wealth to all early pioneers. Steve Musk is known as the Man of Progress In this universe, whoever holds this NFT have unlocked Steve's power of 1. Intelligence Enhancement (the user has a continuously increasing intellect which can grow and adapt without any apparent limit. Their intellect increases every moment and allows them to solve difficult problems given they have the time to have their intellect increase to a sufficient level for necessary comprehension) 2. Team Constructs (the user can form their team members into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need..) 3. Rule Transcendence (the user can transcend any/all laws/rules that make up reality, instead of breaking the rules of any system, they are out in out surpassing them) 4. Authority (the user has the power of authority to rule, enforce orders, enforce laws and make any decisions that can’t be disobeyed) 5. Faith Empowerment (the user can gain special powers from their respective belief system(s), allowing them to be protected, guided, and enlightened at all times. Pray for virtually anything to happen especially when it is to their advantage, and be granted special favors and be given special treatment by the supernatural beings of their belief system(s) themselves) 6. Belief Manifestation (the user can obtain any dream or goal simply by believing that he have it, a rare ability which comes with its own cost and obstacles)

  • Details
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Jimmy Wright at 6/14/2021, 6:40 AM
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM