DM stevevz #19 of 100


🔐 Red Lynx - In this story, Steven Van Zutphen as Red Lynx, Denied his birth right, a sworn enemy to the Multiverse considered a billionaire owning thousands of thefutbolcoin and working relentlessly to have the entire Pandaverse and Darbles Multiverse under his control. Red Lynx is feared by many, triumphed over all case to pin him down in the Galactic Court and no witness to testify against him. Despite the plead from his uncle to put his past behind him, saying, " Bad things happen and you can't do anything about it ". Red Lynx replied, " Wrong, When the world turns their back on you, you turn your back on the world ". Steve Van Zutphen is still on a mission to take over the entire Multiverse, Can anyone stand on his way ? In this universe, whoever holds this NFT have unlocked Steve's power of 1. Immense Wealth (the user is immensely wealthy, having gained a fortune to various degrees in a variety of ways and able to use their money to fund a wide variety of things, such as scientific research or gadget building) 2. Supreme Monopoly (the user holds a monopoly over everything and anything in a given civilization or beyond, from all possible industries, to food/water, thinking/breathing, walking/talking, etc. The user is able to buy anything and add it to their monopoly, can sell anything they want, and can force others to pay for anything they want them to.) 3. Intelligence Infinitum (the user has a continuously increasing intellect which can grow and adapt without any apparent limit. Their intellect increases every moment and allows them to solve difficult problems given they have the time to have their intellect increase to a sufficient level for necessary comprehension) 4. Revenge Empowerment (the user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from vengeance of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from vengeance or even slow or stop aging) 5. Advanced Technology Scientist (the user is a scientist, meaning they work in a field of study/research (e.g., biology, astronomy, geology, archaeology, etc.) that is related to the natural/physical world. The user can build, possess, acquire, and/or find very superior technology, including technological advancements and weaponry, artificial enhancements, genetic engineering, god-level machinery, etc. The technology is so strong that it's capable of completing feats so amazingly impossible that it can control all of reality, grant the user absolute power, etc.)

  • Details
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Jimmy Wright at 6/14/2021, 6:40 AM
Bid accepted 0.005 ETH by Monica Lucas at 6/15/2021, 3:20 AM
Bid 0.005 ETH by Mamie Barnett at 6/14/2021, 5:40 AM
Bid 0.004 ETH by Nicholas Daniels at 6/13/2021, 5:03 AM
Bid 0.003 ETH by Lori Hart at 6/12/2021, 12:57 AM